Monday, April 16, 2012


heres my schedule. only wednesdays are half days! start at 8am ends at 12pm :D

3 modules - Group B (9:15am- 4:00pm)
1 module - Group C (9:45am-4:15pm)
1 module - Group D (8am-12pm)

Pray to God that Baby's SIP is at Maxwell & I can always go and meet him, since the distance is shortened by half! VERY GOOD ALREADY <3

Anyway the piano thingy that i wanted to get is OOS! Need to wait for the new stock to arrive!

Updates :
The previous Saturday 14th April 2012, Baby and I headed down to SCGS for the sc-cares carnival. Wanted to eat the meepok, my childhood food okay, hehhe but it was like from $0.50 it became $5.00 due to some marked up pricings because they had to give half of their earnings to the school, i didnt want to spend unnecessary money, anyway after all, mummy bought food for us!

Then we went down to the coffee shop opposite HSS for dinner, had my favourite meepok there! Finally got to intro Baby to the super nice noodles, he liked it too! After that, went to HSS for the Synergy Rhapsody concert, tickets at $10 each from about 7pm-830pm! His sister is also performing there, from the Modern Dance Club!

Overall it was very nice, after the concert, i met up with many teachers, such as Mrs Mak, Miss Sek, Miss Rina Lio, Miss Evelyn Wu, Miss Ng Niann Yeu and so on! Took pictures with some of them :)

It felt so good and sweet to be back in a school filled with memories, especially, that was where Baby and I spent most of our time there! So thankful we were in the same school and same class :D

Many teachers were shocked to find out that we are together, and some were like saying "WAH they are still together!" Heheh i felt so blissful, and glad that we did indeed become together right at the beginning.

Anyway it was a fulfilling day & we enjoyed yourselves. btw I tried on the mask that Baby's sister wore for her Phantom of the Opera dance, cannot help but think that the mask is so pretty, although it was simple, just Silver with a shiny ribbon around the border & glitters! ^^

I'LL BE STARTING TERM TMR, no idea how to feel. Happy or sad? Pray that everything turns out well on the first day please, and for the entire week, no for the entire semester! AMEN!!