Hey guys,
Finally its Friday yea! :D
I am in school, in class already, first in class, earliest as usual, I actually reached about 745, although classes starts at 915am. Hahah its fine though, I have some me-time.
Came across those picture below, found them super special and unique, never saw one of those in my life up till now before.
Fruit Salad Tree, combination of about 7 fruits growing,
but it will be a "cross-breed" like apple+peach kind.
Special kind of Strawberry that is WHITE in colour, so fascinating right.
But it is sour, tastes like Pineapple,I heard so.
After seeing such fruits, I feel like eating fruits and drinking fruit juices! ^^
Have been playing this Iphone game, "Virtual Villages : The Origin" for about a week or less! And I have finished all the puzzles and with plenty of food and tech points! I even got a Golden Baby hehehe! People should play this game, so fun & Its free, so why not! I can teach you how to get all the puzzles solved :p
So glad its Friday today. I believe God makes everything beautiful and we are all made by God, not Satan, so definitely we are made in the image of God, so he is shinning with Glory, so are we. So thankful I got born again and saved from the evils of the world, cos I living in faith and NOT in the flash :)
So its gonna be an awesome Friday today, AMEN! God makes ALL THINGS WELL.
*My piano thing is still OSS :(